
Best Daily Dental Cleaning Equipment Recommended By Dentists/periodondists?

Dental hygiene is something nearly people learn about from a young historic period. And while frequent cleanings at the dentist are essential to oral wellness, if you're currently practicing social distancing, it's likewise the perfect excuse to make sure you lot're taking extra good care of your teeth.

Shop TODAY asked Dr. Lawrence Fung of Silicon Beach Dental to share his tips on how to take intendance of your teeth in between appointments. He shared his top oral intendance tips and favorite products — from mouthwash to floss — on our Instagram folio, but you lot tin also check out his picks below too.

Toothpaste tablets

Fung recommends trying toothpaste tablets as an culling to using a tube of toothpaste, particularly if yous're sharing ane tube with the whole family.

"Everyone should use toothpaste tablets," said Fung. "They are very easy to use and taste and perform just like regular toothpaste."

He said that one of the best characteristics of tablets is that they prevent cantankerous-contamination — noting that this is extremely important during the current COVID-19 pandemic.

Hullo Antiplaque + Whitening Toothpaste Tablets

The toothpaste tablets from Hullo are formulated with natural peppermint, tea tree oil and kokosnoot oil to remove plaque and whiten teeth. Fung says to await for ones that accept hydrated silica, an active ingredient that gives the tabs a mild abrasiveness to brush away stains effectively.

"These fiddling tabs are but super like shooting fish in a barrel because all you have to do is chew on them, they get-go to foam and you just brush like normal," he explained.

Electric Toothbrush

Using an electric toothbrush is an effective way to tackle difficult-to-reach places when brushing your teeth. Fung says that the more than expensive ones aren't necessarily better quality, but that yous'll want to find ane that fits in your rima oris comfortably, making it easier to brush abroad bacteria.

Oral-B 6000 SmartSeries Electric Toothbrush

Fung owns an Oral-B brush and loves that the spinning head tin can achieve every nook and cranny in the oral cavity.

"Like a regular toothbrush, you should replace your brush head about every three months. But if the bristles are fraying earlier you lot hit that three-month mark, go ahead and change it," he advised.


Flossing is an essential pace in your oral wellness routine because it helps eliminate plaque and prevent gum disease.

"Not simply does plaque crusade bad jiff, but all that trapped bacteria tin can too pb to gingivitis," noted Fung. "There'south a lot of studies showing the linkage between gingivitis and centre disease, so that'due south why information technology's important to floss."


Cocofloss comes in fun flavors like mint, strawberry, kokosnoot and orangish. It's also coated in coconut oil, which helps gently scrub away plaque.

Fung loves the unique flavors considering they encourage people to floss consistently and correctly. "You want to floss at minimal twice a day, but y'all can besides floss after each meal to floss away any food that's stuck between your teeth," he explained.


Incorporating mouthwash into your routine is a simple way to fight against germs, bad jiff, plaque and gingivitis.

"Recently, at that place'southward been a lot of linkage betwixt glue disease and heart disease," said Fung. "And so, some other mode to keep your risk low is with the utilize of a oral cavity rinse."

Listerine Cool Mint Clarified Mouthwash

Fung recommends using the Listerine brand which includes essential oils. This one is infused with a cool mint flavor to reveal fresh breath instantly. He mentions that this brand has been proven to gainsay gingivitis when used once a 24-hour interval for 30-second rinses.

Kids' toothpaste

Getting kids to brush their teeth consistently can be a tough chore, but Fung says that finding a toothpaste with fun flavors can help.

"I find that kids resonate with tasty, natural flavors similar strawberry, watermelon and apple — and if they don't view information technology equally a chore," he said. He besides mentioned that it's important for parents to start instilling good oral health hygiene habits early on.

Hullo Kids Natural Toothpaste

The Hello brand makes kids' toothpaste in exciting flavors that encourage teeth brushing.

We asked Fung what to look for in an effective toothpaste for the little ones: "I recommend fluoride in toothpaste for kids. Fluoride helps build stronger teeth and helps prevent molar disuse that leads to cavities. Since kids like sugar, that'southward super of import."

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